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Personalities & Emotes Guide
by Kestrel

This guide presents all the info you need regards Personalities & Emotes in DC Universe Online. Written by our very own Kestrel!


And emotes



Name: Powerful

Stance: Stands with fists held a few inches from legs

Idle Animation: Quickly glances around to survey their surroundings

Wave: Does a quick salute of greeting

Rude: Does a thumbs down

Dance: Does a shuffle reminiscent of the dance in the music video of “You Got It (The Right Stuff)” by New Kids on the Block

Rest: Takes a knee


Name: Flirty (Female)

Stance: Stands with one hand on hip

Idle Animation: Sways hips and arms

Wave: Flirty little “hello you” wave

Rude: Does the “talk to the hand” gesture

Dance: Hops from one leg to the other while shaking the leg they are not standing on (based on the dance Iconic Harley Quinn does)
Rest: Brushes the ground with their hand before sitting down with their hands on their knees, fingers twiddling, and a slight tilt to their head like they’re daydreaming


Name: Flirty (Male)

Stance: Leans back confidently and bobs head like a stereotypical douchey fratbro

Idle Animation: Finger guns side to side

Wave: Points to chest then towards person in front of them in an “I love ya, brotha” fashion

Rude: Does a “forget you, man” gesture

Dance: Shakes fist in the air while bobbing head
Rest: Does their wave before crouching on the balls of their feet, forearms resting on knees, head bobbing, does their rude gesture upon moving again


Name: Serious

Stance: Feet far apart, right hand is a fist, left hand is making a claw, shoulders are tense, neck is rigid

Idle Animation: Cracks neck and hits their fist to their palm

Wave:  Does a respectful salute of acknowledgment

Rude: Does the cutthroat gesture

Dance: Crosses arms and slightly bobs head
Rest: Crouches, ready to spring back up the moment they need to


Name: Primal

Stance: Like the classic image of a caveman character

Idle Animation: Wipes away drool with their arm

Wave: Raises hand over their head and gives an exaggerated wave

Rude: Juts head and chest forward, arms back, and bares teeth

Dance: Breakdances
Rest: Crouches with one knee higher than the other, chest and face hang forward, arms dangle in front of them


Name: Comical

Stance: Leans way back on one leg, hands on hips

Idle Animation: Shifting weight from one leg to the other and back

Wave: Does a cartoony wave in which they lean really far to their right and raise their right hand

Rude: Presents rear and shakes it

Dance: Does a locking style dance
Rest: Dramatically flops onto their back, then rolls up into a sitting position with their legs spread far apart, chest and head leaning forward, and putting each hand over the other repeatedly on the ground in front of them




Unnamed stance (1) used on some Iconics, Legends Avatars, and form changes giving the character the classic superhero pose with legs spread wide and hands on hips, uses powerful personality’s emotes, not available for player characters


Unnamed stance (2) Nightwing has where he stands on top of Titans Tower in the Judas Contract episode, chest puffed out with head held high and arms folded behind his back as he watches over his team, not available for player characters


Unnamed stance (3) commonly used on Catwoman Iconic and Legends Avatar, right hand is held up while she moves her fingers and the claws on them around, occasionally does the “chestpuff” emote, not available to player characters


Sitting in chairs, used on Oracle in the Clocktower raid of the Birds of Prey episode (though we only see her silhouetted behind a window in the final room) and Professor Zoom in a chair on a floating platform in the Orrery area of the Hall of Legends, not available for player characters


Unique “flirty” emote used by the Arkham Asylum Joker Legends Avatar, not available for player characters


Proposal emote in which the character gets down on one knee and holds up hands as if holding a box with a ring in it like the classic proposal pose, done by using a trinket equipped to the utility belt part of a player’s loadout rather than through the emote menu, trinket can be obtained during the annual Valentines event every February by purchasing it from the event’s seasonal vendor with the event’s seasonal currency earned through completing the event’s seasonal missions and alert


Unnamed stance (4) used on Donna Troy as she stands on top of Titans Tower in the open world for the Judas Contract episode in which she stands with her arms crossed over her chest, occasionally does the “pose” emote animation, not available for player characters


Unnamed Stance (5) used on Tempus Fuginaut in the Hall of Legends in which he stands with one hand holding his staff and occasionally moving his fingers

























































































































































Unnamed Stances

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